Bornean Orangutan - I’ll choose a species of spider monkey to replace them New world primates are non-existent in zt2. Black-Crested Gibbon - It’s a good choice, but i’m trying to choose species that are present in captivity at the moment and there isn’t any of these gibbons in any collections that i’m aware of. American Bison - Replace with a species of takin, which has yet to make an official appearance in any of the zt games. African Wild Dogs - Now that they’re in the original game, i’d replace it with a dhole, a one of the rarer of the large canines not just in the wild, but in zoos as well. With so much of the original game, and African Adventures focusing on African fauna, I tried to focus Endangered Species on North and South America, Oceania, Far East, and Southeast Asia. I’d replace it with the caribou from ES, that way we keep the tundra biome and have at least one more deer in the game after the moose.Įndangered Species - I know that a lot of the animals whose conservation status isn’t threatened are species that were brought back from extinction because of ex-situ conservation, but I still think that there are rarer species that could’ve been selected. Musk Ox - This is a very unusual choice for a species to be bonus content in zt2 they aren't really that common in captivity per say. The asiatic one was supposed to have been a download, but was removed from the zt2 website, so I would prefer the American species as it’s much more common in zoos in the west. Addax - Move to African Adventure and replace it with a black bear. Black Leopard - Why do they just have the color morph and not the actual species or subspecies? I would choose an Amur leopard so that we have an actual subspecies. African Wild Dog, American Bison, Gray Wolf, Komodo Dragon, Galapagos Tortoise, Bornean Orangutan, & Koala (ES) Meerkat, Warthog, Bongo, Mandrill & Blue Wildebeest (AA) Mountain Gorilla - Really? The mountain gorillas are popular, but the western lowland gorillas are the only species that are breed in captivity in the Western world.īesides these, I would actually add animals from other expansion packs into the original one because they’re all animals that I would expect to see as a generic, non-enthusiast visitor. I’d replace the gemsbok with a giant anteater as we get a scrubland/savannah animal that isn’t African and is popular to the zoo public. Gemsbok - Even without African Adventure, the original zoo tycoon is biased in favor of African animals. I’d replace it with a humboldt penguin, as it’s far more common in zoos. Emperor Penguin - Emperors though perhaps the most popular penguin species to the general public, are one of the rarest penguin species in captivity. Black Rhinoceros - I would replace this with the white rhinoceros from African Adventures as they’re more common in more ways than one. I’d replace them with a capybara: they can go in wetland biome, and this would make the jaguar no longer the only animal from Latin America.

American Beaver - beavers are iconic and well known, but their hardly seen in the biggest zoos. However, there are species that I would change in favor of others. Zoo Tycoon 2 - This is the game that I would change the least out of the five as it does a great job featuring animals that would be expected to be seen in zoos across the world. You can move animals around from one expansion pack to another. There are 130 animals in Zoo Tycoon 2, however for any zt gamers out there, were there any animals that just made you go what? And if there are, what would you replace them with and why? There are alot of animals that the games didn’t add obviously, but I feel like a lot of these choices are sturgeon’s law. There’s already a thread like this on ZT2 Round Table, so I thought that I'd make a version on zoochat.
exe or launch files were included (like what they have on Oldgames, with a single zip file that includes everything you need).Īnyways, as far as the game itself goes I know for a fact that Zoo Tycoon 2 is a *spectacular* game that had a lot of fans during the 2000s, but is now quite difficult to find at a reasonable price (if at all) and has been superseded by games like Planet Zoo - but it's really not the same, and a lot of us miss ZT2 and would be highly appreciative of an easy way to download it since it's no longer in production.This one is for all zoo tycoon fans. That sounds very tedious though, and it would be nice if some.
I too was hoping for a simple "click to download button" but it seems that is not the case, and that these files are only accessible to people who really know what they are doing or - if you were desperate enough to play (rather than buying an expensive copy online) - looking up articles and YouTube videos to show you how to download the files and get them working.

Yes, I think that the file types mean that they have to be burned onto a disc or hard drive, perhaps?